Crrush is an Upcoming Telugu Language Sports Drama movie directed by Ravi Babu, starring Krishna Burugula, Ankita Manoj and Parree Pande in lead roles and Produced by A Flying Frogs Production banner.
See below to know details of Crrush Movie Digital Rights, Crrush Satellite Rights, Cost Acquired for, OTT Streaming Date and Theatrical Release Date.
Crrush Digital Rights
Crrush Movie Digital Rights is acquired by Zee5.
Movie Name | Digital Rights By | Acquired Cost |
Crrush | ZEE5 | N/A |
Crrush Digital Rights Bagged by Zee5 OTT Platform.
Crrush Satellite Rights
Satellite Rights for Movie Crrush is acquired by Zee Telugu Channel.
Movie Name | Satellite Rights By | Acquired Cost |
Crrush | Zee Telugu TV | N/A |
Crrush movie satellite rights is bagged by Zee Telugu TV Channel.
Crrush OTT Release Date
The Telugu movie Crrush OTT Release Date is 9th July 2021 and will stream on Zee5 OTT.
OTT Platform | Streaming Date | Link on Zee5 |
Zee5 | 9th July 2021 |
Crrush Story
Story of Crrush Movie is all about the life of three youngsters where they dream to shift to America with a special desire.